But it was too late. I was well into my end of the handshake, and now my arm was extended in a kind of suspended animation. The four of us stood in the bread aisle with Jenkins and his wife staring at my hand as if it were covered in cooties.
But it was too late. I was well into my end of the handshake, and now my arm was extended in a kind of suspended animation. The four of us stood in the bread aisle with Jenkins and his wife staring at my hand as if it were covered in cooties.
The presentation included slides of a beach in Panama, mountains in Colorado, and a wide shot of Mexico City. Each one flashed on the screen at the front of the conference room for a few moments, with the Mexico City one being last and staying up as Roz spoke.
“Anyone want to guess what these pictures have in common?” she asked.
“I’m sorry, sir,” he said, glancing at Wilson next to me, maybe for support. “But I can’t make that right now.”
I peered out the little window by the door and saw two guys, both late twenties, maybe thirty. Parked at the curb was a Toyota that appeared to have been built during the Clinton administration. Hmmmm.